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Are you doing anything on October 4th? If not, and you’re in the SF Bay Area, come to Jupiter’s in Berkeley, on Shattuck near University, for a meet and greet with myself, Chris Lester, and Seth Harwood. It’s going to be a fun evening, and I’ll have some freebies for those who attend.
As for this terribly late episode? Better Nate than Lever, I always say. Stay tuned for the show banter at the end of the show for other news about the series.
This week, we join back up with Percy and Marian, and with Joss, and we find out more about who Cassy is, and what her life is like when she’s not capturing and seducing defectors. Not to be missed!
This week, the estimable Nathan Lowell, author of the excellent Golden Age of the Solar Clipper science fiction series available on joins the cast as the inscrutable Senator Bill Shelley.
Chris Lester, the author of the Metamor City series, brings us the Story So Far this week. I haven’t – and won’t – ask someone to do the Story So Far if I don’t like their work, but Chris is one of those whose work isn’t just good, it’s fantastic. A really potent blend of dark fantasy, noir detective, science fiction, and deep character drama, he’s a thorough thinker with a keen eye for human nature, and his stories hold a very effective mirror up to the audience. I’ve yet to hear one of his stories that doesn’t seduce from minute one, and transform by story’s end. His stuff isn’t for the timid, but it is very striking.
Cast this week (in order of appearance):
Robin Hathaway as Marian Shelley
Steven H. Wilson as Percy Scott
Nathan Lowell as Senator Bill Shelley
Stephanie Sawyer as Cassy Orinthal
Lorien Wheeler as Jade Orin
Kitty Nic’Iaian as The Spaceport Announcer