This week, Jim discovers an unexpected welcome on Mars, while Joss comes into a piece of information he’s been searching for that could change everything — if, that is, he can trust the courier.
Don’t forget about the meet&greet on October 4th! If you’re in the SF Bay Area, come to Jupiter’s in Berkeley, on Shattuck near University, for a meet and greet with myself, Chris Lester, and Seth Harwood. It’s going to be a fun evening, and I’ll have some freebies for those who attend. Find all the details at the Eventful posting, here.
J.C. Hutchins, author of the adrenaline-packed 7th Son trilogy, brings us the Story So Far this week.
Cast this week (in order of appearance):
Steven H. Wilson as Percy Scott
Brian Levy as Jim Hartman
Renee Wilson as Marjorie
Michael Lemonjello as The Barkeep