A podcast novel is an audiobook delivered to your computer as a serial story. Some of them, like Scott Sigler’s early books are straight readings. Some of them, like this one, are full-cast productions with music and foley effects, giving you an immersive theater-of-the-mind experience.
How Much Does It Cost?
Subscribing to the Antithesis series is free. If you wish to support the author and the production, you’re welcome to donate $5 or $10 via paypal (see link on the sidebar) or to buy swag that will be coming soon.
Of course, while financial support is nice, the novel won’t go anywhere without loyal listeners. Link to me on your blogs, post reviews on iTunes, talk about the series on MySpace, and give your friends copies of the shows.
How Does it Work?
A podcast is a publishing technology which serves up audio and other content from websites to consumers of that content, who typically listen to it on their iPod or other audio player that supports mp3 at their convenience. Since its invention early this century, podcasting has evolved from a way to syndicate talk shows and music programming into a way to deliver all kinds of content, including radio dramas and audiobooks.Podcasting uses RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Publishers describe new content in an RSS feed which includes dates, titles, descriptions, and links to MP3 files. What makes podcasting special is that consumers can automatically receive new shows without having to go to a specific site and download it from there.
To subscribe to a podcast, you’ll need a piece of software called a podcatcher. You can find podcatchers for all current platforms here. Once you’ve gotten that, simply copy and paste the feed URL into the podcatcher, and you’ll receive new shows as they’re put on the feed.
Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Podacsting.