3 thoughts on “Incoming Transmission: Free Will”

  1. Dan,
    So excited to have you back, with the Free Will podcast once again at least near the front burner. I’ve been waiting, ever so patiently, for you to come back around to it, knowing it will be well worth the wait. The rewrite sounds luscious and thrilling, and I’ll be here, ready to pounce on it as soon as it’s released.
    I’ve been wanting to do vocal characterizations ever since I first began listening to literary podcasts, and look forward to contests or auditions for Free Will. My problem is the financial investment required for a mic setup, and am wondering what would be the best equipment for getting started that has acceptable audio quality.
    Maybe you could post some suggestions, or at least the minimum setup required to be eligible for a voice part?
    I think you are one of the best writers in podcasting, and I admire your intellect. I know that whatever you write is going to be a fun and challenging read (or listen).
    Thanks for sharing it!
    Mary Laura

  2. MAry —

    Will do 🙂 Look for a blog post on the subject soon 🙂

  3. 1, Have you actually looked at this page? I’m getting blue on blue. the only way I could read it was by selecting the text.

    2, May I have a line or two that I can mix accents on? Just an odd thought running thru my twisted brain.

    Still love your work. Will buy ALL of it when I get my Kindle Fire.

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